Five Questions with Danielle Rowe
She’s a Midwesterner with a heart for helping injured workers in Texas. While she may love time on the beach, her favorite activity of late is helping others sign up for vaccines.
Where did you grow up?
I’m from St. Charles, a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. I moved down to Texas after I graduated because my fiancé (now husband) was already here. I never thought I would live here; I had lived in Missouri my whole life! I can definitely say that Midwesterners are better drivers. The way people drive here is nerve-wracking!
You served as an adjuster before you began working at PartnerSource. What has changed for you now that you’re in this role?
I am now a claims manager dedicated to one of PartnerSource’s accounts, helping our client in making claims decisions. In this role, we get questions that I would never expect – and just when you think you’ve seen it all, something else comes up! What I do know is that there are always going to be different factors that pop up in any claim. There is often going to be gray area and you need to make the best decision for that claim. With Texas injury benefit plans, we have to think about what the best resolution for that claim is going to be. Because of that, the worker feels like somebody is looking at their case individually, and that the decisions being made are specifically for them, not everyone else. I would want that for me.
What is a lesson you’ve learned at PartnerSource that you want to share?
One thing I’ve learned here at PartnerSource is that you have to look at each claim as a new claim, to treat each situation like it’s brand new, look at it with fresh eyes, and make a decision based on those facts to ensure you’re doing due diligence. We also encourage our clients to engage good, credible doctors to see the injured workers, and use nurse case managers who help with the most serious cases. We know that building good rapport with the adjuster and the injured employee is important in providing great customer service and in helping the injured employee feels like they’re being heard. All of that plays a part in getting the best care for the injured worker.
Do you have any favorite vacation spots?
When I was younger, my dad worked for TWA and we got to fly for free. We would always take a lot of vacations to places like Hawaii, San Diego, Florida--anywhere there’s a nice beach. I’ll take palm trees over pine trees! My favorite is Waikiki Beach in Honolulu, where the water is clear and the weather is perfect.
Tell us something you are passionate about.
While the pandemic has put a damper on many things, it has given me the opportunity to give back. I’ve used my investigative and organizational skills to help more than 20 people sign up to get their COVID-19 vaccines! I’ve helped family friends – even friends of friends that I don’t know – sign up if they want a vaccine, in states from Texas to North Carolina, Missouri, Arkansas, and more. That’s been fun. I’ve enjoyed helping people. It doesn’t matter to me who needs help; if they want a vaccine, I’m going to help them find those shots.