Five Questions with Jason Thurmond
1. Some would say you started at the “ground floor.” Tell us how you got into claims management.
After college, I worked in construction for new homes as a superintendent, and then I worked for a flooring company. We had our own insurance business there that handled replacing floors that had received water damage. Through that, I got used to meeting customers on their claims. I had this little window into insurance, which I saw was a really good business, and something I wanted to look into. It turns out to be something I really enjoy – I like taking care of people. Going into this field has been a really good decision for me.
2. How does your role support the mission of PartnerSource?
I work on-site with a client in a consultative role, where I’m able to help with more serious claims of higher exposure. Claims managers like me support our team’s lead attorneys and directors. We do audits for clients, file reviews, look at denial letters, and make sure compliance issues are handled correctly. It’s a privilege for me to work on this program, which is the largest alternative injury benefit plan program in Texas. One of the things that I love about what I do is that no two days are the same. At PartnerSource, I work with a lot of good people who are both knowledgeable and creative. We always need to be a step ahead, so we put our analytical and creative skills together to get results for our clients and for their employees.
3. What has been the biggest surprise since you started your career with PartnerSource?
I’m surprised at how our industry continues to evolve. My wish is that other states learn how we help injured workers here in Texas, and that they will want to do the same for workers in their states. The programs we work with have a really good network of doctors, where injured workers get great medical care. At some point, other states are going to look at all the reasons why businesses move to Texas, and it’s not just about not having a state income tax. You have more options and alternatives here, and it seems to work.
4. What’s something people might be surprised to learn about you?
I was going to say that even though I talk a lot at work, I’m actually a fairly quiet person. I was discussing this at the dinner table with my wife and daughter, and my wife said, “You’re not quiet; you talk to everybody!” My daughter suggested that I reference my bobblehead collection instead. Whenever we go to sporting events, I collect them. I probably have 70 or 80 bobbleheads -- it definitely kind of takes over! I’ve got some unique mascot bobbleheads, including the [Dallas Mavericks] Mavs Man from the early 2000s. Bobbleheads are great! Who doesn’t like bobbleheads?
5. What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I love being outside, swimming, running, cycling, disc golf, being in the yard, etc. My family and I enjoy visiting Broken Bow, Oklahoma. We each love going there for so many reasons--the forest scenery, the hiking trails, the sounds, the amazing pizza at Grateful Head Pizza, campfires, shopping, everything. We rent a cabin and play games, cook meals, and just enjoy being together. It’s a little bit of everything for everyone.