Five Questions with Julie Lambeth
She’s analytical and amiable, and hails from Michigan. Most people know her as an expert on the Texas Option and how it helps businesses take better care of their injured employees – but most don’t know she comes from a family of sports fanatics. Meet Julie Lambeth.
You began working with aspects of the Texas Option in 1994, even before you started with PartnerSource. How did you get to PartnerSource?
I worked for an employee leasing company as a paralegal in the 1990s. I was hired to assist in the management of more than 40 lawsuits and focus on litigation avoidance. I had never heard of the Texas Option, but was mentored by the company’s outside counsel and found that I loved the industry. Our employee leasing contracts provided that we would indemnify and defend negligence claims brought against our clients. I spent seven years being deposed as the corporate representative in litigation and building a legal department. Seeking professional growth, I decided to attend law school at night. Early into my career as an attorney, I received a call from PartnerSource advising that they were looking for a team leader. I started at PartnerSource in April of 2005. It was the best move I could have ever made!
How was working at PartnerSource different?
Here at PartnerSource, you see the full picture of the Texas Option – every aspect of it, every component. In my previous roles, I focused on litigation but not on plan design, so I was only seeing a small component of a program. PartnerSource is very process-driven and methodical, which I like, and that made it easy to see the full picture. The experts in the Texas Option are here, and it’s a fast-paced environment. Everyone is dedicated and willing to go the extra mile. Not only is PartnerSource a phenomenal place to work, but our clients are also the best. I’m fortunate to work with people who really care about their employees, and who want to do the right thing. My co-workers have become my family and clients have become friends. Work is not work when you love what you do.
How does what you do help contribute to better care for injured worker?
When workers experience an injury, we want to ensure that they are directed to the right doctor as quickly as possible. My role at PartnerSource helps to facilitate medical management, minimize liability exposure and assure plan compliance. For the injured employee, it is about getting them to a physician who has their best interest at heart! Getting timely, appropriate care to an injured employee has been shown to help achieve better medical outcomes and allow them to return to their pre-injury status faster, and that’s good for everyone.
What is something that most people don’t know about you?
Many people don’t know that I come from a sports-oriented family. My grandfather declined an opportunity to play for the Cincinnati Reds but rather opted to play for the Industrial League in Indiana because the pay was better! My uncle was the quarterback for what is now Indiana State University. I played sports all through school and stay very active today. The best times of year for me are football season and the NCAA basketball tournament (go Michigan State)!
You’re a very active person. What drives you to stay healthy?
I’ve always been very active and want to continue the same level of activity as I age. Healthy eating, exercise, and getting a good night’s sleep enable me to maintain a busy, active life. This approach also is key to managing my eye disease, retinitis pigmentosa. The possibility of losing one’s vision can definitely keep you motivated to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.