Five Questions with Sarah Priest
The daughter of a long-time PartnerSourcer, she has perspective on the company like no one else, as for years she heard stories of people whose lives were improved. Now, this former educator turns her talents toward the mission of achieving better medical outcomes for injured workers, joining the PartnerSource team and bringing her unique dedication to lifelong learning. In addition to her role as a team coordinator, this talented professional also heads her own menagerie in her spare time and enjoys giving back to the community. Meet Sarah Priest.
How do you describe PartnerSource to others?
Being part of PartnerSource helps me understand why it’s such a rewarding place to work: We’re really helping these workers have the best possible outcome. Unfortunately, they’ve been injured at work, but they are going to get quality healthcare in a timely manner, and they are going to know that their company is behind them -- something so many people lack in their workplace. When you know your company is working with a company like PartnerSource, it’s a comfort even when something bad happens. Here, we help people when they’re at a low point in their lives, and we can really help make a difference.
Your background is in education as a teacher. How do you bring that experience to your role at PartnerSource?
I’ve always described myself as a life-long learner. That has served me well in the classroom and outside of the classroom, and it continues to be my strength. Whatever I’m involved in, I want to learn more, get more information, understand every aspect. I’m constantly seeking ways to learn new things about what I’m doing. That thirst for knowledge is a good thing in an industry that constantly evolves to take care of injured workers.
Describe what it’s like to be in the role of a team coordinator.
I liken it to helping manage all the moving parts. I help clients by facilitating meetings that need to happen, staying on top of our communications and making sure that we stay current with compliance, among other things. As questions arise, I help get answers quickly. Whatever is needed, I’m willing to do it. Every one of my days is different, and I’m never quite sure what I will encounter that day. It keeps me engaged!
What do you enjoy doing outside of work?
I have two daughters, ages 14 and 11, who have a lot of activities! My youngest plays soccer and the saxophone. My oldest is very musical, so she is in voice lessons and several choirs. They both do theater and, last December, were in different plays at the same time. I said, “Never again can you be in two plays at the same time!” Also, I recently began raising pygmy goats. I started with two females and a male and, in February, we had our first four baby goats! We have also added a miniature donkey, 11 chickens, one duck and two Great Pyrenees dogs to the mix (though the dogs spend more time inside with me than they do protecting the herd outside!). We also grow all kinds of tomatoes, pepper and herbs – whatever is in season – in our large vegetable garden.
How do you give back?
Community involvement is a big part of my personal and professional life. I live in Stillwater, Oklahoma, and I serve on the board of directors of the Stillwater Arts and Humanities Council. I just completed chairing Leadership Stillwater, a program of the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce, and I had the honor of being named a “Top Leader under 40” last year by Young Professionals of Stillwater. My daughters and I often volunteer for non-profit organizations in our community; it’s something we enjoy doing together.